My story

Anastarcia Palacious also known as “Star” is the Oprah of Oration. As a result of her television show, keynotes, courses, and social media posts, audiences are informed, entertained, and encouraged to take actionable steps toward living boldly.

Anastarcia Palacious also known as “Star” is the Oprah of Oration. As a result of her television show, keynotes, courses, and social media posts, audiences are informed, entertained, and encouraged to take actionable steps toward living boldly.

Anastarcia Palacious

I am

Anastarcia has coached over 340 international business leaders in strengthening their CEO Mindset, having greater impact as Speakers, and expanding their influence by writing and publishing a book. These leaders have taken the stage in over 43 countries. They have riveted audiences, transformed lives, and in doing so, are experiencing life-changing growth in their revenues.

A winner of numerous awards, she has been nominated for two Bahamian Icon Awards and two Elevation Awards for her work as a television host and social media influencer.


Anastarcia is a graduate of the University of Miami and the College of the Bahamas, Anastarcia is married to Carlos Palacious. The couple has two children. Follow her @homeofstars on Instagram, or visit Join The Best Me Community or by looking for A-Z To The Best Me on Facebook.

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