
I was on my way to work this morning when the car in front of me took a detour. The car behind me took a detour as well and when I looked forward again, I realised that they had both taken short cuts in order to avoid the slowest moving delivery truck ever!
The car in front of me was an SUV. The car behind me was an SUV. Both of the drivers were higher up and could therefore see things I couldn’t see. They knew that if they stuck with the route, they would be delayed. I got to work ten minutes later because I could not see what was ahead of me.

I needed that experience this morning to remind me that God sees the things I cannot see.God sees ahead of us and that means that he will not always give us the things we want when want them if at all. He knows the time we are working with and he does not want to us to be late for our appointment with destiny. Whether you are delayed or denied in the requests that you have put before his throne, we must trust that he can see the things we can’t. He has promised us that no good thing would he withhold. He has promised us that all things would work together for our good. He has promised us that he knows the plans he has for us and that they are to prosper us and not to harm us.
One of the hardest things in life to do is wait on the Lord and be of good courage. It’s so hard, but the wait is intended to prepare us to prove our faithfulness and to teach us lessons that we can use later. It’s so hard but we either believe him, or we don’t. That is faith. Let him lead. #waitingonthelord #itssohard #traffic


On Key

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