Red Light, Green Light, Prayer Life, God’s Right!

One night I was driving home from one end of the island to the next. Due to the lateness of the hour, I really wanted to get home fast. I had just finished praying Psalm 91 and asking God to cover me (as I sped up) when I hit my first red light. I hit every red light after that, six in total, before I finally made it to the round about that would take me onto the stoplight free highway.
At the very first round about I saw an accident that had happened just moments before. I immediately thought of every red light I had just experienced and wondered out loud “what would have happened if I had green lights instead?”

Often times we pray for things like protection, peace and favor, but we get angry when God doesn’t give us the green light to go after things the way we want. We hate red stop lights, but could it be that these stop lights are the actual answers to our prayers?

Take sometime today and reflect on the stop lights in your life, ask God for the wisdom and discernment to see them as his grace, love and protection. If you truly have faith, you will come to know and understand that “all things work for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28)” and that includes red lights. After all, red lights were designed to stop crashes.


On Key

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