Star’s 3S’ to Slay Sales and Savings This Season

It’s Thanksgiving Weekend! Which means Black Friday, which also means three of my favourite words: sales, sales, sales! Whether you are one of those “bah-humbug” types (hey Scrooge!), or you’ve held out on playing your Christmas music until now (forget you, Christmas starts in September or at least the day after Halloween), you can take special delight in all the savings that happen this time of year. As your resident stylista, I’d like to let you in on how I score great deals on some of the outfits you like the most, this time of year. Use Star’s 3S’ to Slay Sales and Savings This Season and you, your wardrobe and wallet with thank me for it.


Have you ever woken up on Cyber Monday excited to purchase from the stores online you’ve visted over and over again only to find all the items you wanted are already sold out? I have because, hello, the entire world is shopping for savings on those dates. Then I figured out Star’s 3S’ Slay Sales and Savings This Season . Here’s the truth, if you haven’t already been enjoying sales since the week before Thanksgiving, you’re already behind.

If you’re an average size for your sex (in shoes especially) you’re more likely to lose out on great purchases if you wait until Cyber Monday and sometimes even Black Friday to shop. Thats because stores online begin offering 10%-60% discounts as early as Halloween often continuing into the New Year. You will only know these deals are happening if you subscribe.

Spring clothing lines will begin to hit stores in late February and stores want to get their inventory out as quickly as possible. While the lowest discounts will often take place on Black Friday online, and in store the day after Christmas, many stores will offer the full Black Friday discount up to two days before Black Friday. Some stores will even offer just shy of the Black Friday deal up to a week before in order to get you to buy at a slightly higher price than you would at the rock bottom sales price on Black Friday.

Savy, slaying shoppers like me are basically done shopping once Black Friday rolls around because I wear average sizes and I know average sizes sell out fastest.  Subscribe to your favourite stores newsletters to receive discounts and promotions by email and you will always be in-the-know. Several retailers will have a generic discount on their webpage banner and an additional coupon for the clients on their list serves. Subscribe and save.


The second tip to super savings for holiday slayage is pre-selecting the items you intend to purchase before the actual sales begin. Many websites will keep items in your cart even if you don’t purchase them right away when you sign up for an account (subscribe) and login to your favourite store. By already having the items set aside in your cart, you simply have to go to check out and apply the discount code to ensure you get the things you really want. This saves time and hassle and it also helps you to stay focused on the items you intended to buy without blowing your budget on unnecessary things.

If a website you love doesn’t love you back by saving items in your cart after you’ve closed your browser, make use of my good friend Pinterest.

Pinterest is a website designed to help you save cool images you’ve seen online for later reference. By pinning your favourite pair of shoes or the blazer you’ve got to have, you are only a click away from the items you love.

Select your items in advance and slay on.


Google is awesome. If for some strange reason you use another search engine, I’m sure its awesome too. This isn’t an add for one or the other, this is a reminder to use search engines to your advantage by searching for additional coupons.

Many online stores have slashed the prices across their website which means the amount you see in your shopping cart already reflects the total cost with savings included. Some websites don’t do this and you have to apply a coupon to get the savings. For those whose sites reflect the savings already, a simple google search of “coupon for (enter store name here)” could result in ADDITIONAL savings once that coupon is applied to already slashed prices!

Search and save people, search and save.

BONUS (’cause its Christmas)- SHIPPING

There are several ways to save  on shipping during the holidays. Many websites offer free shipping on orders over a certain amount, so if you aren’t in a rush, always choose the free shipping option.

For those reading this post that live in The Bahamas or Caribbean, you know our culture dictates that at least one family/friend is headed over to the great US-of-A before Christmas to bring back Santa and his sleigh. If they’ve already booked their hotel accommodations and they are willing to bring things back for you, get the address they will be staying at and ship your packages there. This saves on any costs you might have had to pay a freight forwarder and if you can sneak your packages into their customs exemption, good for you!

So there you have it folks, Star’s 3S’ to Slay Sales and Savings This Season, if you’ve got any additional tips, think I’m completely wrong, or you totally agree, let me know in the comments. May your days be merry and bright and may all your shopping bring delight.


On Key

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