The Pretty Face Lie

Women are always quick to call men liars but I honestly think we might lie more, particularly in this day and age with body corsets, fake eyelashes, and “contouring” that gives you high cheek bones, narrow noses and perfect skin.

I took the photo to the right after my professionally done makeup had worn off a bit. I wanted to show off the talented, skillful hands of PJ; a great makeup artist at MAC in the Mall at Marathon. I also took it because I felt extra beautiful. I can’t lie y’all, I love getting dressed up. Feeling beautiful is a wonderful feeling, and every woman, girl, boy and man should all be able to enjoy such a feeling with or without makeup.

The problem occurs when we rely solely on makeup to make us feel beautiful and special.
Today’s makeup techniques are incredible! For 50 bucks you can look like a picture in a magazine. I’m talking Kim K, Halle Berry swag! But what happens when the makeup comes off?

Women are always quick to call men liars but I honestly think we might lie more, particularly in this day and age with body corsets, fake eyelashes, and “contouring” that gives you high cheek bones, narrow noses and perfect skin. We’ve got to ensure that whatever image we are portraying goes beyond the physical and deep into the soul.

“Women are always quick to call men liars but I honestly think we might lie more”

I once dated a guy solely focused on my exterior. His fixation on the “perfect girl” had nothing to do with the beauty inside and that meant that anytime a prettier, slimmer, shapely well-dressed girl came along, he went right behind her too. (*Side bar* men, do not be fooled by a pretty face, the right makeup artist can do anything! Check this page out if you don’t believe me.

We see tons of so called “perfect” beautiful women get cheated on all the time and the truth is that good men of noble character appreciate beauty on the outside, but it’s the beauty on the inside that makes the relationship last.
At the end of the day, these bodies will fade away. Make up, Botox and liposuction won’t prevent you from dying. When your 6ft under will your looks really matter then?

Now get it together, I’m not saying we shouldn’t do our best to be well-groomed and feel confident on the daily! Studies have proven that “beautiful people” are often more successful ( I personally think it’s because feeling beautiful gives us the confidence, charisma and boldness associated with those who succeed, but that’s another blog for another time). The point I’m making though is we have to value ourselves for being more than just a pretty face. After all, with make up these days, everyone’s got one.

For tips on how to radiate beauty from within check Galatians 5:22-23.


On Key

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